Carry two 1-Quart Canteens on your Deuce Gear.
Carry water purification tablets in one Canteen cover pocket.
Carry a speed loader in the other Canteen cover pocket.
Refill Canteens at every opportunity.
Keep as full as possible at all times Fu!l Canteens make less noise.
A full one-quart Canteen with nylon cover weighs 2.70 pounds.
Carry additional Canteens with your Pack.
Carry Multiple Canteens during Water Resupply.
Collapsible 2-Quarl Canteen is versatile. It can be carried alone on strap, attached to pack or deuce gear, or carried inside pack. 2-quart can also be used as a pillow.
Extra 1-Quart Canteens can be attached to pack or carried in pack. Drink these additional Canteens first.
When packs arc dropped. Canteens on deuce gear are still full.
Carry a Canteen Cup. Always in cold, wet climates. Never in hot, dry climates.
• Cooking food over an open fire
• Heating and drinking hot liquids - coffee, tea, soup
• Washing and shaving
Bootlaces - Carry 2 Extra Bootlaces or 6 feet of Parachute Cord on your Deuce Gear
• Replace Bootlaces
• Repair Equipment
• Build Poncho Shelter
• Bind Prisoners
• Garrote Enemy Sentries
• Tie Tourniquets
• Dummy Cord Equipment
• Carry Rifle or Equipment with Expedient Sling
• Signal with Pull Line
• Maintain Contact during Night Movement using "Elephant Tails" Technique
Dog Tags
• Wear 2 Dog Tags around your neck at all times.
• One Tag is worn on the main chain, second Tag should be on the smaller loop chain.
• Silence Dog Tags.
• Use gutted parachute cord on chain.
• Tape lags or buy commercial silencers.
• Wear an extra Tag in the laces of your left boot.
First Aid Kit
• Carry the First Aid Kit on your deuce gear in the SOP location.
• First Aid Kit is always accessible even when packs are dropped.
• Every Marine in the unit wears the First Aid Kit in the same SOP location.
• Treat each casualty with his own First Aid Kit.¦
• Silence the First Aid Kit.
• Waterproof unsealed items inside a zip-loc bag.
2. Inventory your First Aid Kit. Know what you are carrying.
• Always carry a minimum of (1 ) Battle Dressing.
• Standard inventory includes: Band-Aids, Iodine Antiseptic, Gauze Bandage, Muslin Bandage, Eye Dressing, and Lip Balm.
• Carry water purification tablets in the canteen cover pocket.
3. Augment the issue First Aid Kit.
• Ibuprofen. Motrin™ See note below
• Antibiotic Ointment. Mycitracin™ See note below
• Hydrocortisone Creme. Cortaid™ See note below
• Insect Repellent DEET - Minimize DEET contact with skin
• Lip balm Medicated, with emollients and sunscreen SPF 12+Sunscreen Total Block, UVA & UVB type, SPF 25+, non-water soluble
• Malaria pills or issue medication.
• Styptic pencil For minor cuts, scratches and leech bites
• Molefoam For blisters
• Band-Aids, gauze and tape For wounds of all sizes
• Scissors and tweezers If not carried elsewhere with gear
• Carry additional items with First Aid Kit or in waterproof case such as plastic peanut-butter jar.¦
Ibuprofen. Motrin™
a. For pain and inflammation: muscle soreness and inflammation from physical activity, overuse or strainof a muscle group or joint; injury, headache, and wounds.
b. For fever or malaise.
c. To interrupt a worsening condition: sunburn, blistering, rash, or abrasion,
d. To prevent an oncoming condition: anticipated muscle soreness. Always accompany with large amounts of water.
e. Take with food. Delay taking Motrin if you have indigestion, heartburn, or upset stomach.
f. Do NOT take Motrin if you have kidney problems, ulcers, stomach or rectal bleeding, or are allergic to aspirin.
• Antibiotic Ointment. Mycitracin™
For open skin wounds: abrasions, blisters, cuts and punctures. Ointment moistens skin, promotes healing,and augments the body's fight against infection. Use immediately to help prevent the spread of infection, further inflammation, or swelling.
• Hydrocortisone Creme. Cortaid™.
External application for skin irritations and inflammation where the skin is not broken: itch, rash, redness, insect bites, poison ivy, oak, sumac, heat rash, jock itch and diaper rash (as from diarrhea).
1. Sleeping Gear
Sleeping Pad.
• The insulating layer beneath you is more important than the layer above you.
• According to Colonel P.G. Collins, "A pad is a necessity if your out for more than 3 days."
2. Ranger Roll.
• Very light, very effective bedroll.
• Protects your from dew, not from rain.
• Best when used with sleeping pad on clear nights, poncho hooch on rainy nights.
3. Sleeping Bag.
• Comfort and weight trade-offs versus Ranger Roll.
• Double secure with plastic trash bag. Sleeping Bag should always be dry.
• Unit leader may decide to carry one bag per two Marines.
4. Hammocks.
• Wherever trees are available, in the jungle or woods, a hammock is worth carrying.
• In the constant wetness of the jungle, a hammock also serves to dry your skin. Sleep in a night shirt. Put wet clothes back on in the morning.
5. Tents.
• Weight-wise, the shelter half is almost not worth carrying versus a poncho hooch.
• New tents are almost state-of-the-art.
• Weight is still a concern.
• GP tents are carried by battalion for general bivouac.
6. Poncho hooch.
• Build a poncho hooch in the dark in 10 minutes.• Use mini-bungee cords, boot laces, boot bands, or 550 cord.
• Two ponchos are needed. One for hooch, one for ranger roll.
Survival Kit
a. Any survival kit has five (5) components:" Fire (Matches, lighter, candle stub)
• Signal (Signal mirror, flare)
• Food (Fish hooks, wire)
• Water (Purification tablets, plastic bag, non-lubricated condoms)
• Shelter (Emergency blanket)
b. A survival kit is mission-specific, tailored to the environment, type and length of mission.
c. Some survival kit items, tike compass, matches, knife, purification tablets, and signal mirror, should be carried at all times, and are therefore not needed in a survival kit.
d. No food items are needed in most survival kits. The weight is not worth carrying. As a general rule, humans can last two minutes without air, two days without water, and two weeks without food.
• All Unit Leaders should carry a Flashlight on their Deuce Gear
• Flashlight should be small and lightweight, preferably 'AA' size to match batteries of NVGs.* Flashlight should be rugged and waterproof: Maglite™ ($10.95) is an excellent flashlight for infantrymen.
• Corpsmen, drivers and others can carry larger Flashlights on commander's approval.* When packs are dropped, Flashlight is still on person or deuce gear.
There are Only 4 Reasons to use a Flashlight:
1. Reading: Map Reading or Note taking
2. Signalling
3. Evaluating Casualties or Equipment
4. Searching Prisoners and Kill Zones
• All Flashlights are filtered with colored lens to preserve night vision.*
• Unfiltered White Light is used only at commander's discretion.
• Evaluating casualties and searching killzones may require white light.
• SOP should dictate specific colors for units.
• Red lens Flashlights will not be used in LZ operations. Current helicopter NVGs are blinded by red light.
1. Toilet Kit
Carry the Toilet Kit in your pack. Toilet kit will not be missed when packs are dropped.
2. Carry the fewest items you need. Carry the smallest types. Do NOT cany anything that smells.
• 1-ounce Toothpaste
• 4-inch Toothbrush
• Soap in plastic case. A chewing tobacco case works well.
• Razors for 4 days.
• A good toilet Kit container is an empty plastic peanut-butter jar.
• Carry a dark-colored hand towel. Wrap towel around Toilet Kit and secure with 550 cord.
• Carry Toilet Paper separately in a zip-loc bag in your pocket. When packs are dropped, you still have it.
3. Plan for 4 hours, 4 days or 4 weeks.
• Plan for 4 hours: Carry no toilet kit at all. Carry toilet paper in zip-loc bag in pocket.
• Plan for 4 days: Carry items listed above. NO shampoo, NO shaving creme, NO 'extras.'
• Plan for 4 weeks: Add replacement items: razors, toilet paper, toothpaste and soap. Add items for field head or shower shaving cream, bath towel, shampoo, fingernail clippers, other items.
4. Carry a complete Toilet Kit in you Seabag.
• Plan for 4 months of deployment before resupply.
• Shaving Cream and Razors or Electric Razor.
• Bath Towel and Flip-Flops
• Soap and Shampoo
• Fingernail Clippers, Scissors
• Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Mouthwash and Dental Floss
• Anti-perspirant
• Replacement Items: Razors, Soap, Toothpaste, Anti-perspirant, Shampoo
• Additional Hygiene Items
To Attach, Or Not To Attach
13 hours ago
A good post on Survive the Worst
I did come across a website It’s has all information on first aid emergencies. It has information on Human emergencies and even for pets like cat or dog. Hope it help you guys too.
Signature: Online First Aid Kit
Thanks for the link, I will check it out!
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