Going from Terry Trahan's Weaselcraft Blog to Bobbe Edmund's Thick as Thieves Blog led me to the Piper System Website and Blog of Nigel February and Lloyd De Jongh. Now, I might have my Who's Who list wrong about who owns what website and for that, I preemptively apologize.
On The Piper System Website/Blog, you will find a page for YouTube video, check it out as The Piper System is a rather unique South African System of Knifefighting. Yes, I know, "knife-fighting" or "knifefighting" means so many different things to so many different people and those people just love to debate and argue over the terms...for our purposes here, it's a "Knifefighting System."
Another Piper System website is Hans-Erik Petermann's and you can find that site here and you can read a small, interesting article on that site here.
I knew an old nasty Baltimore City Streetfighter when I was a teenager. After my Father died, I fell into some real bad company, to say the least. He had a saying, "You'd rather fight a bobcat in a phonebooth, boy." Sometimes he would substitute a common four letter word, a/k/a/ "THE F-BOMB," for "fight."
Go look at the Piper YouTube videos, and see what it's like to fight a bobcat in a phonebooth.
To Attach, Or Not To Attach
13 hours ago
Hi Don
Thanks for the interesting observation on Piper. Bobbe and the gang are all awesome guys.
FYI, I expect to be landing at LAX on the 21st of May if all goes smoothly on Sunday with my visa. Anyone in the area who has questions about Piper can feel free to get in touch with me, I should be in LA at least one week.
Hi Don
FYI, I'll be in San Diego next Saturday, 22nd May, doing a small Piper seminar. I'll also be meeting up with various individuals during my time in LA.
If you or any of your readers can make it I'd love to have you.
Hi Don
FYI, I'll be in San Diego next Saturday, 22nd May, doing a small Piper seminar. I'll also be meeting up with various individuals during my time in LA.
If you or any of your readers can make it I'd love to have you.
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